Black & White Photography Workshop

Seeing in Black & White

Making strong Black & White photographs takes more than hitting the desaturate button in Photoshop. The process begins before the photographer presses the shutter button.

Even in this digital age there is something mysterious and magical about a black and white image.

Without relying on colour, shape, form and tone become the critical elements in the composition.

This one day workshop will introduce you to the world of monochrome and give you the skills to make stronger photographs.

Who should attend

You need to have a working knowledge of your camera and the desire to take you photography up a step, and to produce images with impact.

In addition to your camera, you will need to have a laptop with editing software to get the most out of the workshop.

 The workshop will be built around the following

  • An introduction to monochrome
  • Explore the concepts of contrast, tone, and high and low key images
  • Composing photographs without relying on colour
  • Post processing techniques to get the most out of the images you make

The aim is to give you the confidence to go out and make compelling black and white photographs.

Duration of workshop

This is a one day workshop. There is an introductory lesson, and then we take our cameras and explore the Estate. The afternoon will be spent learning processing techniques and you will be guided as you work on your photographs.

If you have any questions please mail me at :

You can also call me on 082 576 0199